- Last seen a few years ago
- Gender:
- Woman
- Looking For:
- Men
- Age:
- 47
- Location:
- Perm, Perm, Russia
- Little about me and what i am looking for:
affectionate, romantic, caring, loyal, sincere and very sociable. An excellent hostess with a great sense of humor. I love listening to music, reading, traveling and chatting with friends. I dream of meeting an honest, decent man
- My Situation
- Marital status:
- Divorced
- Have kids:
- No
- Want (more) kids:
- No
- Living arrangement:
- Alone
- Willing to relocate:
- Yes
- About Me
- ANR | ABF --- I Am:
- Not familiar with these terms
- Interests & Hobbies:
- Cooking, Health / Fitness, Listening to music, Movies, Playing sports, Reading, Travel
- Looking For Age Range:
- 41 - 50, 51 - 60
- Appearance
- Ethnicity:
- Caucasian / White
- Build:
- Athletic / toned
- Height:
- 5' 7"
- Eye Color:
- Brown
- Hair Color:
- Black
- My Best Feature:
- Smile
- I consider myself to be:
- Very attractive
- Health Condition:
- No special condition
- Education & Employment
- Education Level:
- University Bachelors
- Specialty:
- Medical / Health
- Employment Status:
- Full-time
- Annual Income:
- $25,000 - $50,000
- Last seen :
- A few years ago